Kids’ Nature Camp

A fun and educational way for children aged 6-10 years to explore and connect with the great outdoors!

Welcome to Kids’ Nature Camp! 🌿 Let’s explore the wonders of nature together and learn how we can take positive action to protect it. With workshops twice a day on weekdays from Monday 28th July 2025 – Friday 8th August 2025 at Bridge of Earn Institute, there’s something to engage and inspire your young explorer during the school holidays.

The workshops are suitable for children aged 6 – 10 years old and different themes run each day. No two sessions are the exactly the same as the topics are vast and varied.

This project is in partnership with Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust and funded spaces are available thanks to generous funding from The Gannochy Trust.

Get ready for fun activities, games, and adventures in nature. Don’t forget to bring your sense of curiosity and excitement. See you there!

Explore the amazing world of animal adaptations and discover how they have evolved to live all over our planet.

Learn about where animals live and have a go at designing and building your own animal homes.

What makes a bird, a bird? How many different types are there? How can we help them?

Can humans really live alongside wildlife? What happens when conflict arises? Could we bring back key species to our small island?

From dinosaurs to dodos; global extinctions to local ones – what causes animal extinctions and can we prevent them?

Into the woods we go, to lose our minds and find our souls… Squirrels, foxes, badgers, pine martens, rabbits, deer and voles all feature in our forest adventure!

Explore the world of minibeasts, learn why they are so important for our planet and what you can do to help them.

Use your best detective skills to solve the wildlife mystery in front of you.

Photography is a wonderful way to help us connect with nature. Practise  your composition and learn how to get creative images of nature.

Take action for the planet by learning what we can plant to support our local wildlife and look after nature.

Take a dip in the pond and see what lives there. See if you can design and make your own mini-pond for wildlife!

Rainforests are home for many incredible species. We’ll discover what animals like this rainy habitat and you may be surprised to find you don’t have to travel too far from home to find one.

Use your natural smarts to help solve the puzzles and escape!

Trees, glorious trees! Our life just wouldn’t be the same without them. Learn to identify some of our native species and get creative with some leafy artwork.